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Dried Fruit

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is fruit from which the maximum of the pure water content has been removed by natural method , through sun drying, or through the use of specialized dehydrators

They are high in fiber and other nutrients that are ideal for gut health.

It include raisins, dates, prunes (dried plums), Apricots.
Fruits such as dried mango, pineapple and berries are also available, but these tend to be dried with added sugar
Which dried fruit consider as a healthiest food?
Dates are one serious candidate for the title of healthiest dried fruit, with high levels of iron, fiber, potassium, antioxidants, and more. Dates also have a low glycemic index, so they do not typically contribute to a spike in blood sugar
While no food alone will make you shed weight, it does supply some nutrients associated with fat loss. It’s often high in fiber, which keeps you feeling full after your meals and helps support weight loss.
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