Dry Fruits – Eating Dates: Health Benefits While Pregnant?
“A Date with Dates is something that your health would crave” – said no one, but that definitely does not undermine the health value that dates contain. Being high in nutrient content, eaten both fresh and dried based on an individual’s taste, Dates are a fruit of date palm tree grown mostly in tropical regions across the world. Today we will go over the variety of dates and their health benefits for pregnant women. Dates have a positive effect on the health of the mother and child. The natural sugar content in dates, if consumed in moderation provides significant health benefits to the body.
We will first go over the effect of dates for all three trimesters followed by a walk-through of their varieties.
The first trimester:-
Eating dates help with a healthy bowel movement and as constipation is one of the primary issues during the first trimester, dates are a natural suggestion to anyone going through this phase. However, consumption should be limited based on individual.
The second trimester:-
The consumption of dates should be avoided during this time but one can definitely seek their doctor’s advice in this regard.
The third trimester:-
Consumption during the last four weeks of pregnancy has been shown to have a significant impact on the overall process making the labor process easier and also aiding with natural labor.
As such, there has been no confirmed study that claims that dates have an adverse impact during pregnancy, but weight gain and blood sugar level are something that needs to be closely monitored.
Next, below stated are some of the varieties of dates and their benefits:-
Dates have multiple varieties and can be consumed accordingly based on your taste and health requirement:-
A) Medjoul dates:
Medjoul dates have high nutrients and antioxidants content that have many health benefits
B) Mazafati Dates:
Rich with vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, etc. They have high fiber content.
C) Dates:-
Being tropical fruits grown on date palm trees , dates are extremely nutritious and tasty. Dates also happen to help with bowel movements and have a high concentration of anti oxidants .
Below are a few more advantages of dates :-
1.Aid brain function by reducing the IL-6 levels and help reduce the risk of developing brain degenerative brain conditions.
2.Regular intake of Dates helps with natural labour in pregnant women.
D) Apricots:-
Apricots are claimed to originate from various geographical regions and have a dispute on that matter, but rarely do the advantages of Apricots been disputed. They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, calcium.
Below are some of its advantages:-
1.The combination of Vitamin C, A, and ensures good skin , to add to this benefit Apricots are also rich in Antioxiodants , and hence help with slowing down the aging process.
2.The calcium content helps making the bones stronger , the combination of Potassium and and calcium helps with uniform absorption of calcium in bones.
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